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'How to Talk so Children Will Listen, How to Listen so Children will Talk' Faber and Mazlish award-winning Workshop             

                       'I was the best Mom in the world until I had Kids', H Ginott.​​


Contact me to organize a workshop at your school for the coming term!


​This award-winning workshop goes on for 7 sessions.

Each one is planned to help parents acquire a specific skill and the last one is a summary of how to put all new skills at work together.

Each session is approximately 2,5 hours. ​


The goals of the workshop are the following:


- Engage your child's willing cooperation

- Deal with your child's negative feelings - frustration, disappointment, anger

- Express your anger without being hurtfulSet firm limits and still maintain goodwill

- Use alternatives to punishment that promote self-discipline

- Encourage positive relationships between your children

- Resolve family conflicts peacefully


Contact me if you are interested in attending a Workshop or would like to organize one for your school or community. 

'Siblings without Rivalry', Faber and Mazlish  Workshop 

Are you tired of the constant teasing, tattling, and battling?  We often struggle as parents to know how to address sibling conflict, like when to intervene in fights and how to treat our children in ways that are both unique and fair. In this session, we’re exploring practical strategies for your home and learning how to pave the way for long-term, enriching sibling relationships.


The Siblings Without Rivalry workshop includes 6 sessions and covers the following topics:

Session I: Helping Siblings Deal with Their Feelings About Each Other

What happens to brothers and sisters when their hostile feelings about each other are ignored or denied? Four specific methods for helping children express their negative feelings to each other without doing damage.


Session II: Keeping Children Separate and Unequal

How do siblings react when they are compared to each other — unfavorably or even favorably? Effective alternatives to comparisons. Ways to meet each child’s individual needs without getting caught in the “fairness trap” of treating each child exactly the same.


Session III: Siblings in Roles

Why are siblings often cast into different roles? A look at how powerfully these roles affect their relationships with each other. Skills that free children from being trapped in a negative roles.


Session IV: When the Kids Fight

What can you do when fighting breaks out between children? An exploration of commonly used strategies that backfire. A chance to practice skills that reduce anger and give children the tools to work out their own conflicts.


Session V: Problem Solving

A method for helping children deal with the problems they can’t work out for themselves. A simple approach adults can use with young combatants to teach them how to find solutions that respect everybody’s needs.


Session VI: Final Review

Time to review and consolidate your skills. Exercises give you practice applying everything you learned to potentially explosive situations. And an opportunity to take a look at your own adult sibling relationships from your new perspective.



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